Mission & Vision Vlaamse Vereniging Autisme (VVA) brings people with autism, their parents, family and social network together. VVA wants to motivate and activate our society so that people with autism and their environment can be themselves, starting from their qualities and taking into account their specific needs. Our ideal is a society that is open to all facets of autism and where diversity is experienced as an added value. The association - with its many experienced volunteers - is the driving force behind numerous initiatives and tries to realize its mission through: Een gemotiveerde dirigent
Tientallen zangers die er zin in hebben Zaterdag 11 maart - Tienen - Benefietconcert ten voordele van de slachtoffers van de aardbeving in Syrië en Turkije Op het programma staat koormuziek, afgewisseld met Turkse, Syrische en Koerdische poëzie. Kom je graag naar muziek luisteren, ontdek je graag hoe buitenlandse poëzie klinkt of wil je gewoon mensen steunen en er iets voor terug krijgen? Tienen is the place to be deze zaterdag The health and safety of Microsoft’s customers, partners, suppliers and employees is a top priority, and our heartfelt concern and best wishes are with those who have been affected by the current COVID-19 situation. As we continue to follow global health authority guidance, we are committed to supporting the international efforts to contain the outbreak and will take precautionary steps, as warranted.
As a result, Microsoft is cancelling the Microsoft Ignite The Tour Amsterdam conference, originally scheduled to take place at RAI Amsterdam on March 11-12, 2020. |
June 2024