A new Techorama Café is coming upTechorama Cafés are free tech sessions organized by our main Techorama partners. And yes, like all good things, they are back! Our first post-Corona Techorama Café will take place on December 12 in Mechelen and will be organized by De Cronos Groep.
Session 1: Goodbye Azure Kubernetes Service! Hello Azure Container Apps! When you have made the decision to run your applications in containers, the typical choice in Azure would be Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS). Although AKS has many bells and whistles, you often do not need them or they are more complex than you want them to be. In this session, we will look at replacing AKS with Azure Container Apps, Microsoft’s “serverless” container offering. We will look at how it works and how you get a multi-container app up and running quickly. Speaker: Geert Baeke, Cloud-Native Architect at The Cronos Group and Microsoft MVP Session 2: Introduction to Microsoft Orleans for your cloud native applications
Orleans is a cross-platform framework from the Microsoft Research team that helps you to build robust and scalable distributed cloud-native applications. Orleans has been around for many years and is battle-tested by a number of internal Microsoft products and teams. In this code-heavy introductory session, I will explain what the Orleans framework is all about: What is the distributed virtual actor model? What are grains? What are silos? How is a shared state stored in a distributed application? Throughout this session, I will show you how I implemented Orleans in one of my personal projects to enable flexible scaling. Finally, I will discuss how I deployed my Orleans application to AKS (Azure Kubernetes Service). And maybe it can run in Azure Container Apps as well? Speaker: Johnny Hooyberghs, Passionate Developer at Involved and Microsoft MVP Comments are closed.
June 2024