My Planning
Kevlin HenneyThought Provoker
Six Impossible Things
Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast," the Queen told Alice on her adventures through the looking glass. Only six? In software development we believe impossible things all the time, no matter the time of day! In this talk, however, we are going to take a look at six specific impossible things that shape the limits of what we can do, all the way from the smallest detail of integer representation to the minefield of task estimation and prioritization, via the uncertainty of distributed systems and the limits of computability. Once we know our limits, we can work within them to create solutions rather than problems. About Kevlin Kevlin Henney is an independent consultant, trainer, reviewer and writer. His development interests, contributions and work with companies covers programming, people and practice. He has been a columnist for various magazines and web sites, a contributor to open- and closed-source software and a member of more committees than is probably healthy (it has been said that "a committee is a cul-de-sac down which ideas are lured and then quietly strangled"). He is co-author of two volumes in the Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture series, editor of 97 Things Every Programmer Should Know and co-editor of 97 Things Every Java Programmer Should Know. Jan "Doctor Inspiration" BuurmanManaging Consultant @HCS Company
Containerisatie; je gaat het pas zien als je het doorhebt [NL]This talk will be given in Dutch. Het afgelopen decennium volgen in de wereld van de IT de ontwikkelingen elkaar in een ras tempo op. Diverse technologische gamechangers hebben hun intrede gedaan en de IT-organisaties veranderen er lustig op los. Conclusie: de IT-evolutie draait op volle toeren. Binnen al dit geweld popt geregeld de term ‘containers’ op als een veelbelovende innovatie die voor de nodige opwinding zorgt. Containertechnologie neemt dan ook met de dag in populariteit en gebruik toe. Maar wat is dat eigenlijk? En dan niet een technologisch vergelijk tussen een VM en een container. In deze presentatie neemt Jan je mee in het verhaal van containertechnologie, waar het vandaan komt, hoe je het kan positioneren tussen al die ontwikkelingen, wat zo’n platform je biedt en een doorkijkje naar wat er komt kijken bij een implementatie. En als je dan voorbij de techniek kijkt, dan ga je de werkelijke potentie inzien. About Jan Jan is reeds jarenlang actief met concepten als containerisatie, DevOps en Agile. Hij inspireert organisaties om hiermee aan de slag te gaan en werkt als gids tijdens de implementaties. Als spreker infecteert hij je graag met zijn passie en enthousiasme voor het vak, liefst met wat humor en tikje rebellie. Hannes "the loud one" LowetteHead of Learning & Development @Axxes
The Mario Kart™ Guide to Learning Stuff
When we set out to improve our skills, we don't always use a frame of reference that is useful to us. We often end up boycotting our own progress by adopting the wrong targets and metrics. In this lightning talk we will turn to Mario Kart™ for guidance, and learn how to take the progress in our careers in hand again. You'll walk away with some great tips on how to start advancing your career tomorrow! About Hannes Hannes is a developer, a coach and a father of 3. In .NET development, he has always had a passion for performance, databases, distributed systems and large scale applications. But most of all, he likes playing devil’s advocate in technical discussions by drawing the ‘it depends’ card. As a coach, he is enthusiastic about knowledge sharing, personal growth and building careers. All this while keeping in mind that the pace needs to be sustainable. In his free time, when he’s not building LEGO® castles with his kids, he likes to spend time building guitars, playing chess or poker, tasting whisky and doing all round geeky stuff. You can occasionally find him on an afterparty stage at PubConf or with Dylan Beattie & the Linebreakers. Jesse Verbruggen
DevOps Engineer disguised as .NET Consultant @Axxes
The new age Docker developer
By now, most of you have already heard about or worked with Docker. That’s why, in this talk, I won’t tell you about the basics of Docker or it’s technical side. Instead, I will show you the possibilities, the doors that open up when you start thinking in containers. I’ll tell you a story about software transformation. How we can take advantage of containers, how we can orchestrate them in Kubernetes and how we can look at technological problems from a new perspective. I believe this talk will interest all developers who want to take a peek into the future of our domain as software developers and architects. I’ll take you on a journey into a new world of events and microservices. We will take a look at the story of a developer in this new world as I will demonstrate to you how we can accelerate in development and expand on an existing project in no time using Docker, Github Actions and Kubernetes. About Jesse Jesse Verbruggen is a Consultant, Software Architect and DevOps Engineer. He started programming in high-school on his TI-84 Calculator, and works mainly with Go, Docker and Kubernetes. When he's not thinking about technology, he plays guitar, listens to his records and plays the occasional video game with his friends. Roel Van Heurck
HR Advisor & Axxes Gent
Scalability, performance & agility. No, I am not a developer!
In this session we take a look at the yearly performance review. We redefine how the appraisal manifests in continuously changing businesses, in a world in times of pandemic. We will think about new models, new roles and responsibilities. How can we integrate? What are the pitfalls? What are the benefits in terms of business agility? About Roel With his 6+ exciting years at Axxes, Roel has experience in different HR domains. He's always trying to get the bigger picture and adapt to that. He's currently focused on expanding the company to East-/West-Flanders. In his free time, he's a very active sportsman! Dylan Beattie
The one in the hat.
Six More Impossible Things
“Sherlock Holmes observed that once you have eliminated the impossible then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the answer. I, however, do not like to eliminate the impossible.” ― Douglas Adams, Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency Kevlin Henney's opening keynote at Re:Factor talks about six impossible things; hard limits of information theory and systems engineering; things that we literally can't do, do matter how much energy, resources and computing power we throw at them. But here in the strange and wonderful world of modern technology, there are things which are completely impossible... and things which are just a little bit impossible. From computers loading their own operating systems off a disk that they can't read from until they've loaded an operating system (impossible), to memory chips that store data even when you shut off the power (clearly impossible), to instruments that can measure the distortions in the very fabric of reality created by gravitational waves (totally, 100%, completely impossible), this is a talk about about six things that were impossible, until we went ahead and figured out ways to do them anyway. About Dylan Dylan Beattie is a consultant, software developer and international keynote speaker. He’s the director of Ursatile, an independent consultancy based in London that specialises in helping organisations bridge the knowledge gap between software development and business strategy. Dylan has been building data-driven web applications since the 1990s; he’s managed teams, taught workshops, and worked on everything from tiny standalone websites to complex distributed systems. He’s a Microsoft MVP, and he regularly speaks at conferences and user groups all over the world. Dylan is the creator of the Rockstar programming language, and he’s performed his software-themed parodies of classic rock songs all over the world as Dylan Beattie and the Linebreakers. He’s online at and on Twitter as @dylanbeattie. Comments are closed.
June 2024