01/07/2023 we're given a job : a boat will arrive in the docks, we need to help to unload it.
30/06/2023 only seconds after we send the pictures above to yellow HQ we're arrested by Red Team members and brought with the whole family to prison ( what did we do ? )
30/06/2023 As there is a silent distrust between Yellow and Blue we're asked to hide the minerals the moment yellow and Blue are setting up a attack on red.
As nice civilians we do as we're asked. 29/6/2023 we arranged a price and a deadline : we go to the mining area
29/6/2023 Rasputin and Beggar find the family of Rasputin. Promises seem to be held
28/6/2023 - 29/06/2023 Thx to a Simultanious attack of Blue and Yellow we got a chance to fleewill made promises stand outside prison ? ( who knows)
28/6/2023 Some of the prison Characters
Mr Rasputin ( Freno ) : Father that lost his 2 daughters ( innocent ) Dr Klemme : Doctor (innocent ) - If he can't help his clients they are frozen & stored Mr Cook Beggar : simple cook ( innocent) - He makes a "Mean Fish Kebab " from all meat found 2 people from Amnesti International ( Wim and Bart ) from the early start some people in the Prison start to work together, make promises 20/6/2023 This is one of the last news posts we will do before the start of the game. Here is a list of what is important to think about for this year's Berget. The big difference is that we are further outside the city limits and thus it takes at least an hour by car round trip if you want to go shopping. There is a large Airsoftshop in Safezone and Kiosks with hot snacks and beverages in Red and Blue base. We suggest you make sure you do a shopping run in Sollefteå before going to the game area. Mobile phone coverage is worse than usual and in some places in the valley at the game area there is no coverage at all. Best carriers are Telia, Comviq or Tele2. Those of you who are used to communicating with chats within the team may need to prepare for a plan B with a map and radio (Old fashion way) We will do our best to arrange WIFI in the bases but the speed will be limited and HQ will be prioritized. The weather looks to be ok with temperatures around 22 degrees Celsius. It may rain at the end of the game. The ground is very dry and there is a fire ban in place in the region. You may use jet burners, gas grill and trangia on a stone or sandy surface. Always use caution and have water ready. Open fires with firewood are not allowed at this moment. Anyone playing in Red is advised to bring a tarp to put under your tents. Your base is on a sandy surface. It is a long way to the nearest gas station, so fill up before entering the area. If you somehow run out of fuel, there is a limited service to order Jerrycans with fuel to your base. Order via kiosk or HQ in base. Bring cash. It will be signposted how you should drive to your bases and to the Safezone. Blue teams will be able to park all their off-game vehicles 200 meters from the base; others will have designated parking zones. It is important that you follow the instructions on the parking signs and only park on the designated side of the road in the designated direction. To be able to locate a vehicle owner/driver all offgame vehicle need to have the drivers phone number visible on the inside of the windshield. Remember that pre-game scouting is forbidden. Stay in your base and you cannot use offgame drones to scout. Unauthorised pregame scouting will be considered cheating and players will be removed from game in such cases. There has been some confusion about bullet weights. Rule PDF is updated on the official page. Clarification regarding bullet weights. All Guns are allowed to play with bullets up to 0.43. Some old text (for comparison) has remained since we updated the rules to Joules. We are sorry this may have caused confusion among players and crew. The level of mosquitoes is relatively high, so be sure to bring mosquito repellent and preferably a mosquito net to stretch over your face when you sleep if your tent is not completely sealed. As all bases are near a river or lake, we will not provide showers in bases or safe zones. Bring a towel and clean yourself in the lakes or river in the game area. A reminder regarding postponed tickets for Berget 19 If you have a ticket postponed to 2023 from earlier ticket releases, you still need to book a ticket to Berget 19 on your desired team, with the same options as your earlier ticket. You can see the options of your Berget 18 ticket at berget-portal.com. After you have made the booking, send an email to [email protected] with your new ticket id for Berget 19, and also information about your previous ticket. 25/5/2023 We have now completed the maps and each team's commander has received these as well as base locations. If you are a registered user and have logged into our discord, you will be able to download the map on our discord tonight 20:00 CET. Use https://berget-portal.com to login and with the same email your ticket is registered to. Base locations is for now only known by commanders. For those of you who have not yet ordered a Rip-stop map in A3 color, you can do so by emailing [email protected] Best regards 11/5/2023 We have now updated the rules and made some major changes and removed large parts of the rules that are no longer used. Some examples: * The vehicles are harder to knock out. * We have produced more AT4s so the anti-tank weapons have doubled. * It is now much easier to identify the anti-tank gunner as strong LED lights flash at the moment of the shot and a louder speaker has been added. We don't normally change the rules so close to a game, but this was necessary. We also want to thank all involved players, veterans and commanders who provided feedback for the new rules. Read in browser Download as PDF |
AuthorBeggar. Poor Beggar Archives
July 2023
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